Kicking Bear Wild Game Tasting Event
Kicking Bear of Kansas will host a Wild Game Tasting Event, 6:00 PM on Feb. 22 at the First Christian Church in Medicine Lodge. A free will offering will be taken, and an auction will follow the meal. This major fundraiser pays for the youth Kicking Bear camp and the Veterans’ hunt that are held every May. For more information, see the Kicking Bear of Kansas website or their Facebook page.
Small groups
Our small groups have begun a video-based study by David Jeremiah entitled, “Everything You Need.” We will discover from 2 Peter 1:3-11 everything God has provided for us to confidently live godly lives in the midst of all the pressures of this world. Make plans to participate!
Seventh Day Slumber Concert Feb. 26
The Ministerial Alliance is sponsoring a Seventh Day Slumber concert on Feb. 26 at the Heritage Center. It is primarily for the youth, but adults are also welcome.
Thank You!
Special thanks to each of you who faithfully clean the church building. You are a blessing to our church family.
Stay Connected
If you are unable to attend our Sunday morning service, tune in to the
CBF Hour
Sundays, 8 AM
KSNS 91.5 FM
You can also listen to the latest messages on the Messages page of this website.
Military Service Bulletin Board
On the Military Service bulletin board downstairs, we have pictures and service information for individuals in military service, to help us pray for them. Please feel free to add someone or update someone’s information. And don’t forget to support our troops in prayer!
Church Library
The CBF library has about 2,000 Christian books, videos, CDs, and other materials. It is easy to check out items, and you may keep them as long as you need them. The library is located at the bottom of the stairs. Come in and check it out!
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Please tell us about any mistakes or omissions in these announcements. Use our Contact Us form to send an email to the Webmaster. Thanks!