Community Bible Fellowship is blessed to be able to share in the ministries of the following people and organizations.
- Christ For Me ministers to people all over the United States and around the world through Bible correspondence courses, publications, the Internet, and a local jail ministry. The Mailbox Ministry offers over 200 courses, ministering to 1,000 students each month. Many of the students are incarcerated; the lessons have also been used by Sunday School classes, homeschool students, and the homebound.
- Bill and Carole Cowell direct Heart Ministries, which shows God’s love and compassion to wounded teen girls, seeking to bring them into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, ministering to their spiritual, social, intellectual and physical needs. It is near Hutchinson, Kansas.
- Jordan Edwards works with Student Mobilization at K-State in Manhattan, Kansas, helping Christian students grow in their faith, character, and leadership skills.
- Freedom Gates Boys Ranch, Hazelton, Kansas, shows the love of Christ to teen boys from dysfunctional homes and help them grow into godly young men.
- KREJ and KSNS provide listener-supported Christian radio to Medicine Lodge, Kansas and the surrounding area.
- Chuck and Ginny Lewis minister to international students at West Virginia University in Morgantown, West Virginia, through the Bridges International ministry of Cru (formerly Campus Crusade).
- Dion Meneley is the regional director of Fellowship of Christian Athletes for this part of Kansas. He recruits and trains staff to go into schools to establish FCA clubs. The goals are to lead coaches, athletes, and other students to know and grow in Christ and to help others do the same.
- David and Madison Platt work with YWAM Strategic Frontiers in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
- Mike and Lori Platt serve in central Asia and the Middle East discipling and mentoring, training leaders, establishing churches, and assisting other Christian workers.
- Eldon and Becky Porter serve two organizations that help other organizations effectively use culturally diverse teams to spread the Gospel throughout the world.