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Community Bible Fellowship

Teaching the Word for Growth — Reaching the World for Christ

Sundays at CBF

Service Times

9:30 Combined worship and teaching
Sunday School starts at the beginning of Teaching Time
6:00 PM (time may vary)   Small Groups (Sept. - March)


Sunday mornings begin at 9:30 with worship. This is led by a deacon or elder and includes praise and worship music chosen by the leader, drawn from both traditional and contemporary sources. Also included each Sunday is the celebration of the Lord’s Supper, led by another deacon or elder. All who know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior are invited to participate. A significant amount of time is spent sharing praises and prayer requests; volunteers from the congregation pray for each request.

The children and teachers are dismissed for Sunday School at the beginning of Teaching Time. The service usually completes between 10:45 and 11:00 AM.

Note: CBF does not have pew Bibles; please bring your personal Bible to use during the service. And yes, you will need it!


Sunday evenings we have small groups during the fall and winter. They run from late September or early October to sometime in March, with a 2- or 3-week break in December. Most groups meet at 6:00, though some choose to meet at a different time.

Service Broadcast

On KSNS 91.5 FM each Sunday at 8 AM, part of the previous Sunday’s worship and all of the teaching time are broadcast.

a CBF family

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